Internal Injury Attorney in Fort Worth

A serious accident can leave you with obvious, visible injuries. But many crash victims also suffer debilitating internal injuries without knowing it. Whether you sustain internal injuries in a traffic collision or due to a defective product, you should know that you could be entitled to compensation for your medical costs and related losses from an internal injury claim.

One of the Best Internal Injury Lawyers in Fort Worth

At The Wilhite Law Firm, our internal injury lawyers have the knowledge and experience to investigate the circumstances of the accident swiftly, determine who is at fault, and demand the compensation you deserve. We want to talk with you about how we can get you back on your feet as soon as possible. Don’t hesitate to contact us for your free case review after an internal injury accident in Fort Worth.

What Accidents Can Cause Internal Injuries?

Any injury accident can lead to life-threatening internal injuries, including:

What Are the Classifications of Internal Injuries?

Doctors recognize several different categories of internal injuries, including those stemming from:

  • Penetrating trauma – Internal injuries from penetrating trauma occur when your skin is punctured or torn. Falls onto sharp objects and gunshot wounds are typical examples of penetrating trauma that lead to internal injuries.
  • Blunt-force trauma – Internal injuries due to blunt-force trauma happen when direct blows or impacts to the body cause physical harm. Blunt trauma can contribute to a variety of injuries, including internal bruising, bleeding, fractures, and organ damage.
  • Crushing traumaCrushing trauma can cause internal injuries when heavy objects land on or crash into the body, damaging the skin and internal structures beneath it. Crushing injuries can cause internal bleeding, organ damage, and other types of severe internal harm.

What Are Some Examples of Internal Injuries?

The nature of your internal injuries depends on the severity of the accident. Some examples of common internal injuries include:

  • Internal bleedingInternal bleeding occurs when blood vessels are damaged so they cannot clot and repair themselves. If a single organ is damaged and bleeds significantly, the organ may shut down.
  • Pneumothorax – A pneumothorax, or collapsed lung, occurs when a fractured rib or other sharp object punctures a lung and causes it to cave in. When a lung collapses, air can enter the chest cavity and affect normal breathing ability.
  • Ruptured abdominal aorta – The aorta can rupture if a collision puts force on the abdomen. The aorta is the largest artery in the body, so these injuries are usually fatal.
  • Ruptured spleen – If the accident’s impact occurs on the left side of the body, the spleen can rupture. A ruptured spleen can lead to sepsis and other severe complications if left untreated.

What Are Some Signs of an Internal Injury?

In the aftermath of an accident, you might not know what signs or symptoms indicate internal injuries. It’s a good idea to have a medical professional evaluate you as soon as possible. Any of the following symptoms could be a sign of internal injuries requiring medical treatment:

  • Pain or swelling – Seek medical attention if you have abdominal pain or swelling. These symptoms could indicate internal bleeding or injuries to your liver or spleen.
  • Bruising – Deep purple patches of bruising could appear on your skin if you bleed internally, as the blood collects beneath the skin or in other soft tissues.
  • Nausea – Feeling nauseous, light-headed, or dizzy after an accident could indicate blood loss. If you begin vomiting, you might have a concussion and should get medical care right away.
  • Shock – If you lose a lot of blood quickly, you might feel faint or weak. If you notice you have a rapid heartbeat and your skin feels clammy or cool to the touch, you could be in shock.
  • Headaches, seizures, or loss of consciousness – These symptoms could indicate bleeding in the brain, which requires immediate medical attention as it could be fatal.

How Long Can It Take for an Internal Injury to Heal?

The time it takes to recover from an internal injury depends on the nature and extent of the damage. With proper medical treatment, relatively mild internal injuries might heal within a matter of days or weeks. However, more severe cases could take months or even years. Contact one of our Fort Wroth internal injury attorneys today.

What Compensation Can Be Recovered for My Internal Injuries?

If you suffer internal injuries in an accident someone else caused, you could file an internal injury claim against the responsible party to demand compensation for your losses, such as:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning potential
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress

Our Fort Worth internal injury lawyers are here to assist you with your internal injury claim.

How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit for My Internal Injuries?

If you get hurt in an accident due to someone else’s wrongful behavior, Texas law gives you two years from the date of the accident to sue the at-fault party. If you don’t file your lawsuit before the two-year deadline, you could lose the right to pursue compensation for your losses.

Remember that certain factors, such as the victim’s age at the time of the accident, can affect the deadline for filing a personal injury lawsuit. If you suffer an internal injury in an accident, you should consult a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to avoid losing money to preventable errors – like missed filing deadlines. Contact a Fort Worth personal injury lawyer at The Wilhite Firm today.

Contact a Fort Worth Internal Injury Lawyer

At The Wilhite Law Firm, your initial case review is always free. Even better, we handle cases on a contingency basis. That means you will not pay us legal fees unless we recover compensation on your behalf through a settlement or judgment. We want to handle your case on your behalf, taking the pressure off you after an accident so you can heal without worrying about the legal or financial details. Contact us today to speak with a Fort Worth internal injury lawyer and learn more about how we can help with your case.