product liability

Product Liability

We assume the products we use every day such as cars, prescription drugs, children’s toys, and industrial machinery will be safe when we use them as intended. But that’s not always the case. Defective products can cause severe injuries and ruin people’s lives.

Product Liability Lawyer in Dallas

The Dallas product liability lawyers at The Wilhite Law Firm, have the knowledge, training, and resources to help Dallas residents who have been injured by defective products. Our attorneys have a long track record of taking on large, powerful companies and manufacturers on behalf of our clients. Our highly skilled team will investigate your case to determine liability for your injuries and discuss your best path for pursuing all the compensation you deserve.

We will dedicate ourselves to providing exceptional representation and personalized, attentive client service throughout your case. You also won’t owe us any fees unless we collect compensation on your behalf. To learn more about your options, contact the Dallas product liability lawyers at The Wilhite Law Firm at our office in Dallas for a free initial consultation today.

What Is Product Liability?

A product liability case is a type of personal injury claim. It is based on the idea that companies that design and manufacture the products we use should be held accountable if someone is hurt due to a product defect. A sadly common example of product liability is when vehicles are recalled due to a mechanical defect such as the ongoing Takata airbag recall.

Generally speaking, three kinds of product liability claims frequently arise:

  • Manufacturing defects – When a product injures someone due to an issue with how it was made. The defect could be caused by low-quality materials, carelessness in the manufacturing process, poor-quality parts, or issues with assembling the product.
  • Design defects – When something in the design of the product is inherently flawed. If something about the way the product is designed puts users in danger, the designer of the product can be held liable for resulting injuries.
  • Failure to warn or provide instructions – To minimize the chance of serious injury or death, companies are required to warn users when a product could be dangerous to use. They are also required to provide instructions on how to safely use the product.

How Long Do You Have to File a Product Liability Lawsuit in Texas?

You generally have two years from the date of your injuries, or from the date of the discovery of your injuries, to file a product liability lawsuit. If you wait any longer, you will most likely lose your chance to recover any compensation. Contact a Dallas personal injury lawyer at The Wilhite Firm today.

Product Liability FAQs

Here are some of the most common questions our Dallas product liability lawyers at The Wilhite Law Firm about product liability claims:

Product Liability

What are the steps in a product liability lawsuit?

The six key steps in a product liability lawsuit in Texas include:

  1. Investigating the defective product and the nature of your injuries
  2. Identifying the liable parties
  3. Filing a lawsuit, or complaint, against the liable parties in court
  4. Going through discovery, where each side must disclose certain information and take testimony from witnesses
  5. Conducting settlement negotiations with the liable parties
  6. Bringing your case to trial if a settlement cannot be reached

What is a class action?

A class-action claim is a personal injury case in which multiple victims who have been injured by the same party come together to file a lawsuit against the plaintiff. In a class-action case, a single plaintiff stands in for the whole group, or “class,” of plaintiffs.

What is a mass tort?

A mass tort is a personal injury case involving one wrongful action that injures a high number of people. Unlike in a class-action claim, each member of a mass tort claim is treated as an individual plaintiff and may seek compensation specific to their losses. However, mass tort claims are often consolidated in a single court to make it easier to conduct discovery and to avoid inconsistent or duplicate rulings on important issues in a case.

Will my case go to trial?

It is difficult to say, but many personal injury claims do not go to trial, including those involving dangerous and defective products. Trials are risky and expensive. So defendants usually settle out of court before a case reaches the trial stage.

However, you should make sure to trust your case to an attorney who has a track record of winning at trial. This will ensure you are prepared to fight for the full compensation you deserve if a fair settlement cannot be reached.

How much does it cost to hire a product liability lawyer in Texas?

Most product liability attorneys, including The Wilhite Law Firm, work on a contingency fee basis. In other words, you won’t pay any fees unless your lawyer helps you collect compensation for your injuries. Once that happens, your attorney will collect an agreed-upon percentage of whatever compensation you received.