A Record Setting Rideshare Program…


Did you know that since 2006, The Wilhite Law Firm has offered to reimburse rideshares during many holidays to keep Colorado roads and citizens safe from accidents caused by drunk driving? That’s 17 years of paying forward to keep our roads safe!  You simply call a rideshare to get a ride home, pay the driver, and send the bill to The Wilhite Law Firm for reimbursement of up to $35.00!

According to Colorado’s Department of Transportation in 2021, 1-in-3 accidents were caused by impaired drivers and 691 deaths were a result of drunk driving crashes. These accidents and deaths were all preventable…if only the impaired driver chose not to drive under the influence. These statistics are why we offer this program – We want to be one more resource and reason people choose NOT to drive drunk.

Our most recent program that ran for Halloween in 2023 was a huge success. We were blown away and honored to provide over 950 rides home to impaired Colorado drivers. We are proud to see our community utilizing and sharing our Rideshare Program in staggering proportions – It’s always our hope that those celebrating a holiday will plan ahead by using their own Designated Driver or using a Rideshare without worry knowing The Wilhite Law Firm has their back!

So many things’ prices are on the rise today – like groceries and gas…and we are not only privileged but thrilled to be able to ease the burden of

paying for a safe ride home! Over the Halloween weekend The Wilhite Law Firm spent over $34,000 paying for partygoers to get a safe ride home, and in turn, keep the roads free from drunk drivers

Our next Rideshare Program will be held the day of Thanksgiving (11.23.23). For details on how to participate and other upcoming Rideshare Programs you can email us at cab@wilhitelawfirm.com or visit our website at /rideshare-program/.

Here’s to 17 more years serving Colorado and keeping the roads free from one less accident, injury, or death caused by drunk driving!