Category: Car Accident

Injured driver talking to insurance adjuster about the car accident for claims.

An adjuster from the insurance company will contact you to ask you questions about your car crash claim. They’ll ask about your past injuries, car accidents, work-related injuries, and health conditions. They’ll try to use your answers to argue that your injuries did not occur in the car accident. Before…

Pedestrians crossing the street.

In Texas, yielding the right-of-way means allowing another driver, cyclist, or pedestrian their right to go first on a road or through an intersection. Unfortunately, many road users fail to yield the right-of-way, putting themselves and others in danger of a crash. What Are Texas’ Right-of-Way Laws? Given how vital…

Male specialist with car tinting film in hands.

Did you suffer injuries in a car accident with a driver whose windows were tinted? Improper or illegal window tinting poses serious risks to other motorists and road users. Reduced visibility, especially during low light conditions, can result in devastating accidents. If you got hurt in a Colorado car accident…

Drivers arguing who's fault on the rear-end highway collision

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), all drivers should leave at least a three-second distance between their own vehicle and the vehicle they are following. This distance gives a motorist enough time to recognize and respond to any sudden changes in the flow of traffic.  Understanding and obeying the…

Drunk driver at the dram shop reaching out for his keys.

Under Texas dram shop laws, businesses that sell alcohol can be held responsible if they serve people who are clearly too drunk or underage that then cause injury accidents. If you’ve been injured in a drunk driving accident, it’s important to talk to a lawyer. They can help you by…