FAQs Category: Colorado Social Security Disability

Whether you apply for benefits online or visit a Social Security field office, you’ll need to gather and have available a number of documents to complete the application. They include: all medical records in your possession worker’s compensation payment information, including date of injury, claim number and settlement agreement names…

No. Unfortunately, your doctor’s diagnosis alone is not sufficient to qualify for benefits. The Social Security Administration has a very rigid definition of disability. You must be unable to perform any substantial work because of your disabling injury or illness and your medical condition must be expected to last a…

Many people who collect disability benefits are turned down initially.If you have received a SSDI denial letter, your first step should be to contact an experienced Denver disability lawyer for a free evaluation of your disability claim.A knowledgeable SSD attorney at The Wilhite Law Firm can help you file an…

The first level in the appeals process if your Social Security disability application is denied is to request a reconsideration of your application by Disability Determination Services. Disability Determination Services is a state agency in Colorado that reviews applications for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits and Supplemental Security Income assistance,…

You may appeal the reconsideration decision by requesting a hearing before an administrative law judge. The judge’s office will send you notification of the time and place of the hearing. You will be expected to present evidence supporting your claim for benefits and follow the rules of civil procedure. It…

Whether an applicant can perform substantial gainful work is one of the Social Security Administration’s criteria for determining eligibility for disability benefits. Can you do any type of work, even if you cannot do your former job? Gainful work is any work done for pay or with the intention of…

If you qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance, there is a five-month waiting period before your disability benefits will begin. You will receive payment starting in the sixth full month after the date you are determined entitled to benefits. The amount of your Social Security Disability Insurance check will be…

Certain very serious medical conditions by definition meet Social Security’s definition of disability. If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with any of the approximately 200 most serious conditions, such as certain types of incurable cancer, you may obtain a compassionate allowance and have your disability claim application…

Yes, certain members of your family who become disabled may be entitled to disability benefits based on your work history. They include: your spouse if he or she is 62 or older your spouse at any age if he or she is taking are of child who is disabled or…

The Social Security Administration’s Disabled Adult Child (DAC) assistance program allows qualifying applicants to collect disability benefits based on their parents’ work history and contributions to the Social Security system. The federal government has strict rules for qualifying for disabled adult child benefits. For example, to be eligible for DAC…