FAQs Category: Fort Worth Motorcycle Accident

In Texas, motorcycle riders age 21 and older can skip wearing a helmet while riding so long as the rider has completed a motorcycle operator training course and has a medical insurance policy that covers injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. Although you may not have broken the law by…

If you were hit by an uninsured driver, you may still have the option to recover compensation for your injuries and losses if you have uninsured motorist coverage as part of your motorcycle insurance policy. With uninsured motorist coverage, your insurer steps into the shoes of the insurance provider that…

You may be contacted by an adjuster from your insurance company or the insurance company of the other driver to provide a statement for the insurance claim. You should decline to speak to an insurance adjuster until you have had a chance to talk to a Fort Worth motorcycle accident…

At The Wilhite Law Firm, our Fort Worth motorcycle accident lawyers represent injured riders on a contingency-fee basis. In a contingency-fee arrangement, you do not not need to pay any money upfront to hire us. Instead, we are paid only if we secure compensation for you through a negotiated settlement…