Why I Help Injured Persons in Colorado Recover From Insurance Companies

leg injury

I began my journey as a personal injury attorney in 2005. My career choice was not by chance or circumstance. My passion for the law and helping my clients has grown ever since. I have met with thousands of clients and potential clients in their home and at my offices as a sympathizer, encourager and counselor. I am more energized when I am encouraging others. This is my calling and purpose as an experienced personal injury attorney.

Surviving an injury and the insurance claims process requires determination, wisdom, skill, patience and endurance. It is not a quick or easy process for the injured person, their families or their friends. When you are injured in an automobile collision, on another’s property or on the job, your entire life is disrupted. It is not enough for you to seek medical treatment and legal representation as soon as possible. You have to understand how the insurance companies’ representatives are trained to discredit and minimize everything about your case.

This begins with your property damage. Have you ever met with an insurance property damage adjuster who didn’t estimate your vehicle or property to be less than what you knew to be accurate?  This is by design. If an insurance claims representative can pay you less money for your damaged property, they are making profits for their employer. With tens of thousands of annual claims, a typical insurance company will save millions of dollars each year by undervaluing property loss claims.

Next, you find yourself in pain and needing medical attention.  Do not assume any insurance company, whether insuring the at-fault party or yourself, will evaluate your injury claim fairly or pay you a reasonable amount for your past or future medical bills, wage loss, mileage, out-of-pocket expenses, pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of consortium, disfigurement or any permanent impairment.  I am still amazed how many insurance companies neglect to follow the law in order to improve their profit margins.

Most all states have laws requiring insurance companies to act in good faith and to deal fairly with their own insureds and to abide by Fair Claims Practices. For example, Colorado court decisions and statutes are in place to deter and restrict bad or unreasonable behavior by insurance companies. There are many more laws in Colorado in place to help and protect you if and when you are injured.

In every insurance contract in Colorado, there is an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing. This duty of good faith and fair dealing continues unabated during the life of an insurer-insured relationship. Colorado statutes provide that, “for the purposes of an action brought pursuant to this section and section 10-3-1116, an insurer’s delay or denial was unreasonable if the insurer delayed or denied authorizing payment of a covered benefit without a reasonable basis for that action.” The law in Colorado is clear that an insurer’s duty to its insured to act in good faith includes the obligation to act reasonably in the payment and settlement of claims. An insurer that unreasonably refuses to settle a claim against its insured, or unreasonably delays in settling such a claim, may be liable to its insured for bad faith breach of the insurance contract.

If insurance companies always followed the law, there would be no need for personal injury attorneys. We have been called upon by many of you and your families and friends to fight for you and protect your legal rights. We are here, ready and willing to speak with you and your loved ones and walk with you through this difficult time. Let us help you in your time of need.