What do you like most about being a lawyer, and least?
My favorite aspect of being a lawyer is having the ability to help people in unique situations; we are truly able to change people’s lives and it can be very rewarding. My least favorite aspect of being a lawyer is the reading that is involved in legal work.
What question do you hear most frequently from clients?
Since I have yet to communicate with any clients at this firm, based on my prior experience, the most frequent question I heard was some version of, “When can I expect my life to go back to normal?”, ”How long will this process take?”
Many people who need the help of a personal injury lawyer are going through extremely difficult periods of their lives. What words of support do you offer to people in this situation?
It’s my belief that a little empathy goes a long way. As a personal injury attorney, you are sometimes playing the role of therapist – someone your clients feel they can trust and to whom they can vent. Typically, I let them know I understand how difficult it is to have your life thrown off course by someone else’s mistake, and how frustrating it is to be in pain all of the time. I try to keep it positive and remind them there is a light at the end of the tunnel of this experience, and that focusing on healing their injuries (versus how much their case will be worth) is the best way to get through it, because once you feel better, money is less significant.
Many clients do not have a sense of the value of their case. What advice do you have to help a client decide whether a settlement offer is a reasonable offer?
Typically, I give an overview of the concept of damages, what that entails, and how that pertains to their specific case. Of course, there is always some discussion about the frustrating practices of the insurance companies and how they value cases. If it’s a more unique case (not a typical auto claim), it can help to look at jury verdict reports in that county to see what similar cases end up with.
What motivated you to become a lawyer?
I’ve always desired a profession where I can help people and feel that I’ve made a difference in the lives of others, and not just myself, or for one specific company. Also, growing up, my parents reinforced the idea that I would make a great attorney because I had a knack for arguing. I don’t know if that’s completely true, but I do believe I naturally have a more analytical way of thinking, which certainly helps.
How is being a lawyer different than what you expected before joining the profession?
Because I have been practicing in the injury field where clients have been wronged somehow, it was surprising to me how much time I was spending in that customer service and therapist role. I have grown to really like it because it brings that human/emotional connection aspect to your work.
What is an interesting fact about you that someone would not learn from looking at your resume?
I am a major dog lover and a very new mother!
Who do you most admire and why?
My mother. This is nothing new but now that I have become a mother, I see so much of the work she did to raise my brothers and me and how great she was at it! Hardest job in the world!
You work hard as a lawyer during the week. What is your favorite thing to do to relax on the weekends?
Right now, pretty much all my time is spent with my new baby, soaking up those sweet moments. Prior to having a baby, I loved trying new restaurants (big foodie), spending time with my husband and taking our dog to our family cabin in the mountains.
Who was your favorite lawyer on television and why?
I am a big Law and Order: SVU fan, so I always loved the lady District Attorneys they had revolving throughout the seasons—Casey Novak and Alexandra Cabot were my favorites.