What do you like most about being a lawyer, and least?
Most: Helping people and winning cases!
Least: Dealing with insurance carriers.
What question do you hear most frequently from clients?
What are my rights under Workers Compensation?
Many people who need the help of a personal injury lawyer are going through extremely difficult periods of their lives. What words of support do you offer to people in this situation?
This is situational and although this is a hard situation you will get through this and see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Many clients do not have a sense of the value of their case. What advice do you have to help a client decide whether a settlement offer is a reasonable offer?
I go through the law and the pros and cons of setting.
What motivated you to become a lawyer?
My parents encouragement through the years and my desire to help people!
How is being a lawyer different than what you expected before joining the profession?
It is longer hours than I had expected.
What is an interesting fact about you that someone would not learn from looking at your resume?
I was a Denver Nuggets Cheerleader and I have a Black Belt in Kung Fu San Soo.
Who do you most admire and why?
My mother, because she is smart, reliable and always loving. She also has her PhD and is an author.
You work hard as a lawyer during the week. What is your favorite thing to do to relax on the weekends?
Yoga & spending time with my daughter and husband!
Who was your favorite lawyer on television and why?
Legally Blonde starring Reese Witherspoon because she is smart and confident!