Why Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney?

file workers compensation

Many times when I initially meet with a client they ask me why, and how, they would benefit by hiring a Workers Compensation attorney versus not having an attorney represent them. There are four main reasons why a person should hire a Workers’ Compensation attorney sooner rather than later in their case:

  1. We can help a client receive the best and most medical treatment that is available under the law. We know which doctors are claimant friendly to clients, and which ones are insurance company friendly. We want to get client to get medical treatment by the best claimant friendly doctors so they can get better. We want our clients to get better and their pain to decrease from their injury so they can lead a happy life.
  2. We can help a client receive loss wage benefits and know their rights with their employer. Many times a client has questions about whether they need to perform the modified job offered from their employer, as well as return back to work if their employer asks them to return. We can help clients navigate through that process. We want clients to feel secure in their employment and know what their rights they have.
  3. We can help a client get a fair impairment rating as well as a settlement at the end of their case. There are deadlines that come up in a case when a client is placed at maximum medical improvement and receives a Final Admission of Liability. A client has 30 days to object to the Final Admission if they wish to go through the Division Independent Medical Exam process (a second opinion) or go to a hearing. We can make sure that all statutory deadlines are answered so the case does not close.
  4. Lastly, a client needs someone to look out for their best interest every step of the way. Sometimes clients think the insurance carrier or employer is doing that for them, but that is just not the case. A client needs an attorney who is knowledgeable about the law and looks at all the evidence objectively. A client needs to be aware of the strengths as well as a potential weaknesses in their case, so they can make the best informed decisions every step of the way.

While there certainly could be other reasons to hire a Workers’ Compensation attorney these are four of the main factors that come into play when I’m meeting with clients. If you have any other questions or concerns come in for a free a consultation. Just give us a call at 303.GOOD.LAW and we’ll get that set up for you or refer you to someone that can help you with your case. As I mentioned earlier in this blog, we want our clients to get better and their pain to decrease from their injury so they can lead a happy life…and we mean it, truly.