Category: Workers’ Compensation

If an individual is injured at work, it is important to seek an attorney’s counsel quickly for many different reasons. One of the main reasons concerns the injured worker and the medical care he or she will receive through the workers’ compensation system. The beginning of a workers’ compensation case…

Man suffering neck pain from accident.

Millions of Americans have degeneration in their joints. …Shoulders. …Hips. …Knees. …Back. For many these changes are asymptomatic. The degeneration causes no physical limitations or restrictions to their life or work. For others, it may cause mild to moderate issues but the individual is still able to do most things…

Doctor putting bandage to patient's injured arm.

Colorado Court of Appeals limits ALJ’s authority to determine issue of Maximum Medical Improvement (”MMI”): When an injured workers’ medical condition has stabilized, or plateaued, there is a medical determination that the injured worker has reached MMI. The Colorado Workers’ Compensation Act sets forth the statutory rules for the parties…

Injured man filing for workers compensation claims.

Many times when I initially meet with a client they ask me why, and how, they would benefit by hiring a Workers Compensation attorney versus not having an attorney represent them. There are four main reasons why a person should hire a Workers’ Compensation attorney sooner rather than later in…

Accountant counting money for payroll to laborers.

The employment lawyers at The Wilhite Law Firm dedicate most of their time to combating “wage theft,” which occurs when an employer either intentionally or unintentionally fails to pay its employees the money that is legally owed to them. Common examples of wage theft include: Paying employees less than their…