What If Someone Won’t Share Insurance Information After a Car Crash in Colorado?

exchange details

In motor vehicle accidents, the first thing drivers should do is exchange information with other involved parties. Unfortunately, some drivers don’t want to cooperate. So, what if someone won’t share insurance information after a car crash in Colorado? The answer is simple: call the authorities and do not engage with the uncooperative driver. Let law enforcement handle the situation.

Failing to provide proof of insurance to an officer following an accident is a class 1 misdemeanor traffic offense. The driver can provide their information to authorities, or they can face significant penalties, including fines and jail time.

What Are Some Reasons the Other Driver Will Not Share Their Insurance Information

What reason would another driver have for withholding their insurance information from you following a Colorado car accident? Believe it or not, some drivers think doing so can prevent them from having to face the consequences of their careless or reckless behavior. Contact our Denver car accident lawyer today.

A driver might refuse to give you their information if:

  • They have no insurance
  • Their car insurance has expired
  • They want to avoid insurance rate increases
  • They have a criminal record
  • They are impaired by drugs or alcohol
  • They are driving without a valid license

Is Providing Insurance Details After an Accident Required?

While C.R.S. 42-4-1603 requires drivers to provide their name, address, and registration number to other involved parties after an accident, the other driver technically does not have to provide you with their insurance information. However, C.R.S. 42-4-1409 requires motorists to furnish police officers with their proof of insurance following a collision when asked to do so. Failure to do so is a Class 1 misdemeanor traffic offense.

What Should I Do If the Other Person in the Car Accident Won’t Share Their Insurance Information?

What should you do if the other driver refuses to provide their insurance information? Call Colorado law enforcement. Law enforcement officers can compel uncooperative drivers to provide their insurance information. They can then include that information in their police reports. You can then request a copy of the police report, including the insurance information you need to file a claim.

Never engage with an aggressive, uncooperative, or combative individual. Document the scene as thoroughly as possible. Take photographs of the damage to both vehicles and the other driver’s license plate. Ask witnesses at the scene for their contact information and wait for law enforcement to arrive. Let them handle the situation.

Is It Possible to Find the Other Driver’s Insurance Information?

Yes. It may be possible to find the other driver’s insurance company information. Request a copy of the police report containing the other driver’s information. Provide the photographs and as much information as possible to your insurance company, and they may also be able to track down the other driver’s insurance information.

What If the Other Driver Has No Insurance?

If the at-fault driver has no car insurance, you can seek compensation from your insurer if you carry uninsured motorist coverage.

Contact a Colorado Car Accident Lawyer

If a careless driver hits you and refuses to provide their insurance information, seek help from a team of experienced Colorado auto accident attorneys. The Wilhite Law Firm has a long track record of helping injured Colorado drivers pursue the compensation they deserve in car accident claims. Contact our office for a free consultation.