Burn Injury Attorney in Fort Worth

Burn accidents often give rise to some of the most serious personal injury cases. If you have suffered a burn injury due to someone else’s actions, you are likely entitled to legal compensation from the at-fault party. Do not wait to speak with a burn injury attorney.

One of the Best Burn Injury Lawyers in Fort Worth

At the Wilhite Law Firm, our Fort Worth burn injury lawyers understand how serious burn accidents can be. Our team of experienced burn injury lawyers is committed to providing compassionate legal representation and fighting for the compensation our clients deserve. Let us fight for you. Call today for a free consultation.

What Are the Different Types of Burn Injuries?

Burn injuries range from mildly uncomfortable to excruciatingly painful. While some are treatable by your family doctor, others may require months of hospitalization. Many are fatal. Our attorneys have helped our clients recover compensation for a wide variety of burn injuries, including:

  • Thermal burns – These occur when skin is exposed to high temperatures. Scalding liquids, hot metals, and open flames may all lead to thermal burns.
  • Cold burns – These burns occur when your skin comes into contact with extremely low For example, exposure to cold weather for an extended period can lead to cold burns known as “frostbite.” Certain chemicals — for example, dry ice — can also lead to cold burns.
  • Chemical burns – These burns arise when tissue comes into contact with corrosive chemicals. A wide variety of chemicals can lead to these burns, including ammonia, battery acid, bleach, concrete mix, metal cleaners, drain cleaners, and others.
  • Friction burns – These occur when an abrasive surface rubs off layers of skin. “Carpet burn” is a typical everyday example. More serious examples often arise when motorcyclists and bicyclists are thrown off their vehicles in a crash, thereby causing friction burns when their skin is dragged across hard pavement.
  • Electrical burns – These occur when tissue comes into contact with electricity. Unlike most other burn types, electrical burns can immediately penetrate beyond the surface of your body. This may result in severe damage to internal organs and other tissue.
  • Radiation burns – These burns arise when tissue is exposed to sources of radiation. Sunburns are an everyday example caused by ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight. Like electrical burns, they can also quickly penetrate beyond the surface of your skin. For example, radiation burns may appear as a side effect of external beam radiation used to treat cancer.

What Are the Classifications of Burn Injuries?

Burns are medically classified into three categories: first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree. The higher the degree, the more serious the burn.

  • First-degree burns – Damage is limited to the outermost layer of skin, the epidermis. For example, most sunburns are first-degree burns. Though painful, first-degree burns typically heal without medical treatment. While they heal, ointments such as aloe vera can be used to reduce itchiness and irritation.
  • Second-degree burns – These affect both the epidermis and the dermis, the second outermost layer of skin. Second-degree burns are quite painful. Effected tissue is often left red, swollen, and blistered. Depending on its depth, a second-degree burn may heal on its own or require medical attention.
  • Third-degree burns – Third-degree burns are the most severe type of burn injury. Unlike first-degree and second-degree burns, burn victims experiencing third-degree burns may not feel pain at first. This is because the burn has penetrated deep enough to destroy nerves in both the epidermis and dermis. Third-degree burns may appear yellow, white, brown, or even black.

Common Causes of Burn Injuries

From fires and explosions to electrocutions and chemical exposure, burns are a diverse class of injuries that can happen anywhere. Some of the most common causes of burn injuries in Fort Worth include:

  • Bus accidents
  • Construction site accidents
  • Workplace accidents
  • Heavy machinery accidents
  • Electrocution
  • Defective wiring
  • Defective products

Are There Long-Term Effects of Burn Injuries?

Though burn treatments have advanced significantly over the years, this class of injury can still be extremely difficult to treat. Depending on the kind of burn and its severity, many burn injury victims experience long-term complications. Some of the most common long-term effects of burn injuries include:

  • Infections
  • Nerve damage
  • Organ damage
  • Long-term pain
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Permanent scarring and disfiguration

What Compensation Is Available for My Fort Worth Burn Injury Claim?

If you have suffered burn injuries due to someone else’s actions, you are likely entitled to compensation. Our personal injury attorneys can help you pursue compensation for:

  • Medical expenses related to treating your injuries, including surgeries, doctor’s appointments, medications, and medical equipment
  • Rehabilitative care, including physical therapy
  • Lost income if you cannot work while recovering from your injuries
  • Loss of future earning capacity if your injuries result in permanent disability
  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering
  • Permanent disfigurement or scarring
  • Loss of quality of life if your injuries prevent you from performing regular daily activities

Determining the compensation you are legally entitled to can be complex, especially when calculating “intangible losses” such as pain, suffering, and diminished quality of life. Our burn injury lawyers are ready to evaluate your case and fight for every penny you deserve.

Is There a Time Limit for Filing a Burn Injury Lawsuit in Texas?

Yes, the deadline is set by a law known as the statute of limitations. For most personal injury cases, Texas sets this deadline at two years from the date of the accident. Subject to very few exceptions, your case will be dismissed in court if it is not filed before this deadline. Therefore, the sooner you bring your case to an attorney, the better. Contact a Fort Worth personal injury lawyer at The Wilhite Firm today.

Contact a Fort Worth Burn Injury Lawyer

If you were injured in a burn accident due to someone else’s carelessness, you are likely entitled to legal compensation. The burn injury attorneys at The Wilhite Law Firm are ready to help. Our Fort Worth burn injury lawyers are ready to evaluate your case and strategize your path toward maximum compensation. Call today for a free consultation.