oilfield workers

Oilfield Injury Attorney in Dallas

Oil and natural gas extraction lies at the heart of a booming industry in the Lone Star State, employing thousands of Texans and generating billions of dollars in revenue every year. But it can also be highly dangerous work. Oil field workers operate near heavy equipment and volatile chemicals and face a variety of other hazards every day on the job.

We Have Some of the Best Oilfield Injury Lawyers in Dallas

If you were injured in an oil field accident, our trusted team at The Wilhite Law Firm wants to help you. Our Dallas oil field injury lawyers’ commitment to customer service is exceeded only by our passion for justice. We can put our skills and resources to work for you right away. Contact our Dallas oilfield injury attorneys now for a free consultation.

Who Can Be Liable for Oil Field Accident Injuries?

If you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits for your oil field accident injuries, you are not required to demonstrate that another party was at fault. However, Texas employers are not required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Many do not.

To file a third-party insurance claim or lawsuit, you must be able to prove that another party was liable. The parties who frequently are at fault in these types of accidents include:

  • Your employer – If you are an eligible employee, you could be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. However, if you are an independent contractor, or your employer does not carry workers’ comp insurance, those benefits may not be available to you regardless of who was at fault. However, if your employer’s negligence contributed to your injuries, you may have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit against the employer.
  • General contractors or subcontractors – If a general contractor or subcontractor working for another company contributed to conditions that caused your oil field accident injuries, they might be partially or fully liable.
  • Rig owners or manufacturers – When oil field accidents result from vehicle or rig collisions, poor equipment maintenance, or faulty product design, you may be able to hold the owners or manufacturers of the defective equipment liable.
  • Trucking or shipping companies – If your injuries were caused by a trucking accident that occurred on an oil field, you may have grounds for a claim against the trucking or shipping companies responsible for the vehicles and drivers involved.

How Much Is Your Oil Field Accident Case Worth?

The oilfield injury lawyers at The Wilhite Law Firm will seek the maximum amount of compensation for you. Depending on the type of claim you file and the nature of your oil field accident case, you could be entitled to compensation for:

  • Medical bills – Any reasonable and necessary medical expenses related to treating your injuries
  • Lost wages – The value of any losses in your take-home pay from any time you miss at work while you recover from your oil field accident injuries
  • Reduced earning capacity – The projected value of losses in your future earning capacity if your oil field accident injuries leave you with a long-term or permanent disability that prevents you from returning to your usual job
  • Pain and suffering – The cost of the physical pain and psychological suffering you endure due to the oil field accident and the injuries you suffered as a result

If your loved one was killed in a fatal oil field accident, you might have grounds for a wrongful death claim or survival action. You could be entitled to compensation such as:

  • Medical costs – Any medical expenses incurred for the treatment of your loved one’s fatal injuries before the wrongful death
  • Funeral or burial expenses – Reasonable funeral, burial, or crematory costs for laying your loved one to rest
  • Lost wages or income – The value of any lost income, wages, benefits, or other earnings your loved one would have provided for your family if they had survived the oil field accident
  • Lost companionship and care – The value of the lost care, companionship, guidance, and other personal benefits your loved one would have provided you and your family if they had survived their injuries

How Can a Dallas Oil Field Injury Attorney Help You?

If you were injured in a Dallas oil field accident, an experienced oilfield injury attorney at The Wilhite Law Firm could help you by:

  • Explaining your legal options for pursuing compensation
  • Conducting an independent investigation into the oil field accident to uncover crucial evidence and determine who may have been at fault
  • Communicating with your employer, the insurance companies, and other attorneys or third parties on your behalf
  • Helping you keep track of important documents and deadlines for your claim
  • Negotiating forcefully for the money you deserve and, if necessary, taking your case to trial to demand fair compensation in court

How Long Do You Have to File an Oil Field Accident Lawsuit in Texas?

If you have grounds for a workers’ compensation claim in Texas, you must file your claim within one year of the date of the oil field accident. If you have a personal injury lawsuit, you have two years from the date of the accident to file a claim.

If you wait too long to file either type of claim, your case will likely be dismissed, and you will lose your right to the compensation you need. For this reason, you should contact an oilfield injury lawyer at The Wilhite Law Firm as soon as possible to learn about your options for seeking compensation for your oilfield accident-related injuries.

What To Do If You Have Been Hurt in a Texas Oil Field Accident

If you were injured in a Dallas oil field accident, you can safeguard your health and protect your legal rights by:

  • Seeking immediate medical attention – When you go to the ER or visit your medical provider, they can diagnose any injuries you have, establish a formal record of your condition, and prescribe the treatment you need.
  • Reporting the accident to a supervisor – If you have grounds for a workers’ compensation claim, reporting the accident to your employer is one of the most important steps you can take after a work injury. Make sure you report the accident to a supervisor or manager promptly, in writing, and save a copy of the report for your own records.
  • Documenting the accident and gathering evidence – If you can, take photos of the accident scene before you leave or ask someone you trust to do so for you. Speak to any eyewitnesses to get their contact information. Write down everything you can remember about the accident while it’s still fresh in your memory.
  • Not returning to work too quickly – Be careful about going back to the job too soon after an injury. If you go back prematurely, you could worsen your injuries or give others the impression that your condition is not too serious, making it potentially difficult to claim the compensation you need.
  • Not talking to any insurance companies – If an insurance company representative contacts you, you should avoid providing statements or accepting settlement offers until you speak to an attorney at The Wilhite Law Firm. Making a statement could jeopardize your case, and accepting a low settlement will prevent you from seeking compensation in the future.
  • Contacting an experienced oil field accident lawyer – A knowledgeable attorney can get started on your case for you while you focus on healing from your injuries. Your lawyer can also file all claim paperwork on your behalf, communicate with other parties, and negotiate to maximize your potential compensation.

Common Injuries in Texas Oil Field Accidents

Oil field workers work near heavy equipment, volatile chemicals, and other hazards that commonly contribute to the following types of injuries:

Common Causes of Texas Oil Field Accidents

The following hazards and dangerous conditions frequently contribute to devastating oil field accidents:

  • Equipment failures – Many oil field accidents occur when construction rigs, drilling machines, and other heavy pieces of equipment fail. Machines and equipment may fail due to improper handling, inadequate maintenance, or design defects.
  • Fires or explosions – Oil, natural gas, and many of their byproducts are incredibly flammable and can easily cause fires or explosions when handled or stored negligently. Fires and explosions commonly occur in oil fields due to pressure buildup, open flames, uncontrolled heat sources, chemical leaks, and static electricity buildup.
  • Fracking accidents – Fracking is a practice that involves injecting high-pressure streams of water into boreholes to extract oil or natural gas. Fracking accidents can occur due to blowouts, chemical spills, or exposure to high-pressure water streams.
  • Slips and falls – Spilled liquids, obstructed walkways, and other hazards are commonly present in oil fields and frequently contribute to slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall accidents.
  • Vehicle collisions – Large work rigs and other vehicles are typically needed to move materials or equipment and complete drilling or extraction tasks. These large rigs can easily roll over or collide with other objects or people, increasing the likelihood of crushing injuries or blunt-force trauma.
  • Well blowouts – When oil wells are subjected to too much pressure, it can lead to a blowout, resulting in the uncontrollable spewing of oil from the well. A well blowout accident can seriously injure workers, especially if the oil comes into contact with electrical or heat sources and explodes or catches fire.

Talk to an Oil Field Accident Lawyer in Dallas Now

Claiming compensation after a Dallas oil field accident can be complicated, but you don’t have to do it alone. Contact a Dallas personal injury lawyer The Wilhite Law Firm today for a free case review. We will explain how our Dallas oilfield injury lawyers can help you seek full and fair compensation for your losses.