Truck Accident Attorney in Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs is a major hub for trucking activity in Colorado, especially on busy routes such as I-25, U.S. 24 and U.S. 87. This heavy truck volume can, at times, present a threat to public safety. Although most truck drivers are professionals who do a great job of safely operating large commercial vehicles, too many other drivers engage in careless and reckless conduct behind the wheel. Further, some large trucking companies actively pressure drivers to cut corners and break the rules – all in the interest of profits.
The Wilhite Law Firm works hard to hold major trucking companies and their negligent drivers accountable for the injuries they cause. We have protected the rights of truck accident victims and their families since 1977. If you or a loved one recently suffered injuries in a crash with a commercial vehicle in the Colorado Springs area, contact us for a free consultation.
What Are the Common Causes of Colorado Springs Truck Accidents?
If you are involved in a trucking collision, you should speak with a truck accident attorney in Colorado Springs as soon as possible. Here are some of the most common causes of trucking accidents:
- Falling Asleep At The Wheel – Under federal regulations, truck drivers must adhere to the “hours of service” rules. These rules limit how many hours truck drivers can work and drive. The rules are designed to make sure a driver does not keep driving past the point of safety and exhaustion. When drivers break these rules, serious fatigue can set in and cause deadly collisions.
- Lack Of Fitness – All truck drivers must meet certain fitness standards by passing a physical on a regular basis. Still, many drivers fail to report the medications they are taking, or they find less-than-thorough doctors to “pass” them despite the fact that they suffer from major health problems such as sleep disorders, heart conditions, or mental deficits. An unfit truck driver can be a highly dangerous one.
- Impaired Driving – If a driver of any type of vehicle consumes alcohol or drugs and tries to drive, it presents a danger to everyone on or near the road. The risk of a crash is especially high when the driver is behind the wheel of a massive 80,000-pound or heavier commercial vehicle.
- Freight Shifting – Truck drivers and the warehouses that load freight have a joint responsibility to make sure that loads are properly placed on the trailer, and the truck is not overloaded without appropriate permits. When freight is overloaded, it can make it difficult to steer or stop a tractor-trailer. Overloading can lead to rollover crashes as well as cargo shifts that cause jackknife accidents.
- Right-Turn Accidents – Drivers of truck and trailer combinations must be careful when turning right at intersections. Properly trained truck drivers keep their trailers close to the right curb while turning. A truck driver should avoid “swinging wide” because it can mislead drivers of cars to the rear who may think that the driver is going straight. This can lead to a trailer being dragged over the top of a vehicle.
What To Do After A Colorado Springs Semi-Truck Accident?
After a semi-truck accident, you need to act fast. Large trucking companies tend to move quickly to investigate and protect their interests. Often, trucking companies will deploy their investigation teams, insurance adjusters, and other risk teams to the scene of a crash within minutes or hours of an accident in order to investigate the facts and look for ways to avoid liability. If you or a loved one was hurt in a tractor-trailer crash in Colorado Springs, here are the steps you should take:
Call 911 Immediately – Make sure the authorities are called to the scene. A police officer will document the collision, gather important information, and makes sure a clear record of the crash exists.
- Go To The Hospital – Don’t assume your injuries are minor. Serious injuries can take time to show up after a crash, including traumatic brain injury, spinal cord damage, and internal organ injury. Seeing a doctor will provide a record of your injuries.
- Call A Lawyer Immediately – When you call The Wilhite Law Firm, we will promptly investigate your Colorado Springs truck crash and preserve, gather, and study evidence that points to liability, including witness statements, accident scene photographs, cell phone records, toxicology test results, and electronic data from the commercial truck.
We will conduct a timely and thorough investigation in order to protect you and make sure the trucking company does not destroy or conceal crucial evidence of its driver’s negligence or its own negligence.
Visit our truck accident law offices in Colorado Springs, CO
Who Can Be Held Liable for Colorado 18 Wheeler Accidents?
In many cases, the truck driver will be to blame. The driver may have caused a crash because the driver was distracted, talking on the phone, texting, intoxicated, or speeding and driving recklessly. Other parties may share responsibility such as:
- Shipping Companies – Warehouses and shipping companies that overload trucks or improperly put freight on the trailer can be held liable for creating a dangerous conditions.
- Trucking Companies – Trucking companies are generally responsible for the actions of their employees. Likewise, when negligent dispatchers force drivers to break the law, it can lead to terrible injuries. Often, trucking companies are liable because they hire unqualified drivers or fail to adequately supervise them.
- Mechanics – It is important not to overlook the critical role that mechanics and maintenance teams play. When a tractor-trailer has a faulty brake system or damaged trailer, for instance, these issues can readily cause crashes.
How Can Trucking Accident Lawyers in Colorado Springs, CO Help You?
When you call The Wilhite Law Firm, we will take immediate steps to investigate your trucking accident and protect your rights. You have only a limited amount of time to take action to protect yourself. So, we will make sure that you are clearly informed of your rights and legal options from the start. Here are just a few of the ways we can help:
- Investigate The Crash – We will get the information we need to prove who is responsible. So, even if the insurance company or trucking company tries to shirk their duties, we will know how to hold them accountable.
- Medical Treatment – We will help you find medical care for your injuries and make sure that all liens, debts, collections, and government reimbursements are resolved during your case.
- Settlement – We can make sure you are free to focus on your family and your recovery, while we handle all the negotiations with insurance carriers.
- Trial – If your case goes to trial, you will be represented by a skilled legal team with years of experience fighting of fighting for clients.
Please be aware, the state of Colorado has a Statute of Limitations on personal injury lawsuits. This statute means you have a defined time period in which to bring your lawsuit. That time period is two years. While two years may seem like an extended period of time, it can go by very quickly. with the research, investigations, and interviews our firm will be doing, time is of the essence.
Our Truck Accident Lawyers in Colorado Springs, CO Are Here To Help You
Time is of the essence after a truck accident in Colorado Springs. The truck accident attorneys in Colorado Springs at The Wilhite Law Firm will start working on your case ASAP. Please contact us for a free review of your case and to learn how our law firm will put its experience and resources to work for you. We will work hard to recover the full and fair compensation you deserve for medical bills, lost wages, and your pain and suffering.
Don’t wait to act. If you need help after a Colorado Springs trucking accident, contact The Wilhite Law Firm today to schedule a private and completely free consultation with one of our attorneys.