Leading Causes of Car Accidents in Texas

With nearly 15,000 suspected serious injuries and 4,000 deaths occurring each year in Texas due to car accidents, it’s clear that safety is a major issue in the state. But what’s the cause of all these car crashes? Drunk driving? Speeding? Distracted drivers? The answer is all the above – and more.

If you were injured in a crash caused by a reckless or careless driver, the Dallas car accident attorneys at The Wilhite Law Firm could help you pursue the full compensation you need for your recovery and losses. With our in-depth knowledge of Texas law, we will figure out who’s responsible for your injuries and craft a legal strategy tailored to meet your goals. We will also treat you with respect, honesty, and kindness throughout the process – client service is something we take seriously at our firm.

To learn more about your legal rights and options and to discuss the specific facts of your case, contact our Dallas car accident lawyers office today for a free consultation.

What Are Some of the Leading Causes of Auto Accidents in Texas?

Numerous factors can cause a car accident. Sometimes, a crash occurs for multiple reasons. At The Wilhite Law Firm, our experienced Dallas car accident attorneys know how to identify the causes of crashes and determine who is liable. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Distracted driving – As technology has advanced, there is an ever-increasing number of potential distractions for drivers. Talking on cell phones, reading and sending text messages, adjusting in-vehicle controls, talking to other passengers, snacking, and other distractions prevent drivers from concentrating on safely handling their cars. Certain distractions also take drivers’ hands off the wheel or their eyes off the road, both of which make it harder to avoid a potential accident. Distracted driving has become a real issue.
  • Speeding – Despite how casually most drivers speed, it is one of the most dangerous and frequent causes of car accidents in Texas. The faster a vehicle is traveling, the less margin for error a driver has if they make a mistake. Speeding drivers have less time and space to react if they create or find themselves involved in a hazardous situation. Another factor that makes speeding so dangerous is fast-moving vehicles will hit objects with more force. So speeding accidents often result in more severe injuries to drivers and passengers alike.
  • Failure to yield – If a driver fails to stop at a sign stop or traffic light, or if they don’t yield when required at a yield sign, crosswalk, or other intersection, they create an extremely dangerous situation. A driver who fails to yield when required by law puts themselves and other drivers at risk. They might T-bone another vehicle or cause their own car to be T-boned by someone else.
  • Reckless driving – In addition to speeding, there are many other reckless driving behaviors that can increase the chances of an accident. These include making unsafe lane changes or merges, failing to use a turn signal when required, taking turns at high speeds, and so on. Drivers who engage in these kinds of behaviors put others on the road in danger.
  • Drowsy driving – Driving requires a lot of mental energy and concentration, and you can’t keep yourself and others safe if you’re struggling to keep your eyes open. Drivers who don’t get enough rest before getting behind the wheel frequently experience dulled reaction times, diminished mental capacity, and an increased chance of passing out behind the wheel. Any of these factors make an accident much more likely.
  • Drunk driving – Every driver is aware of the dangers of driving while drunk, yet drunk driving accidents still happen in Texas on a frequent basis. Drunk drivers have slowed reflexes, slower reaction time, and impaired cognition, and they are more likely to make mistakes that could injure themselves or others.
  • Unsafe lane changes – Improperly changing lanes or merging into traffic is one of the most dangerous activities drivers do. A driver who fails to use their turn signal, or who attempts to change lanes without allowing enough time and space to do so safely, can easily collide with another vehicle and cause a collision. Always use your turn signal, check blind spots, and exercise caution when changing lanes or merging.
  • Tailgating or following too closely – Cars and other vehicles don’t stop instantaneously when drivers apply the brakes. So it’s important for drivers to leave some space between themselves and the vehicle in front of them. It’s easy for an accident to occur if the vehicle in front must brake suddenly and the rear vehicle doesn’t have enough room to stop safely.
  • Aggressive driving or road rage – Drivers who let their anger get the better of them are prone to speeding, aggressive turns and merges, cutting other vehicles off, and other actions that make an accident more likely. If a driver has road rage, they may also take out their frustration on another driver by intentionally crashing into them.
  • Wrong-way driving – Wrong-way accidents generally occur because a driver is intoxicated, fatigued, or inexperienced. These factors may cause the driver to misread a sign or fail to notice that they’re traveling the wrong way. Wrong-way accidents are especially dangerous because, in many cases, the result is two vehicles colliding head-on, which is one of the more deadly types of crashes.
  • Inexperienced drivers – As with any activity, drivers tend to improve and drive more safely as they gain experience. Less experienced drivers may not be aware of all the rules of the road, or they may make a mistake because they don’t give themselves enough time or space to safely handle their vehicles. Inexperienced drivers may also underestimate how alcohol or drugs affect their driving performance, making them more likely to drive while impaired.
  • Poorly designed roads or poor road conditions – The roads themselves can be a key factor in many accidents. If a busy roadway doesn’t have enough lanes, the lanes are too skinny, sidewalks are improperly placed, or there’s some other design flaw, drivers may have a hard time avoiding a crash. Similarly, rain, snow, ice, and other forms of precipitation on the road can make the surface slick, increasing the required stopping distance and time.
  • Defective auto parts – Like any machine, cars can break and fail if their component parts are defective in some way. Problems with a vehicle’s engine, transmission, brakes, steering, tires, or other parts can all cause an accident if they fail at the wrong moment. In other cases, a defective part may not cause an accident, but it may play a part in someone’s injury, such as an airbag that fails to deploy.

How Our Dallas Car Accident Lawyers Prove Fault After a Wreck

taking photos after car accidentTo recover compensation for your injuries after a car accident, you and your lawyer will have to demonstrate that the other driver or some other party was negligent. In basic terms, this means showing that another party failed to use reasonable care to avoid injuring you. For example, a drunk driver who causes an accident would be negligent because they failed to obey the law.

As part of the accident investigation process, your legal team at The Wilhite Law Firm will look at the available evidence to determine who might be liable for your injuries. Some of the evidence that’s used in car accident claims includes:

  • Photos and video footage from the crash scene
  • The damaged vehicles
  • Police accident reports
  • Witness accounts
  • Cellphone records
  • Medical records
  • Bills for property damage and other expenses
  • Testimony from expert witnesses

One of the types of experts that lawyers often turn to is accident reconstruction professionals. Accident reconstruction teams will review all the available evidence in detail and apply principles of engineering and physics to determine factors such as the speed of a vehicle or even the possible inattention of a driver at the time of a collision. These experts can determine who is ultimately liable for a crash. Get in touch with a Dallas personal injury lawyer today.

What You Need to Know About Comparative Negligence in Texas

Some car accident victims worry that they won’t be able to recover compensation after a crash if they are partly responsible. However, that’s not necessarily the case. Under Texas’ comparative negligence laws, you can still recover compensation after a crash if you are not found to be more than 50 percent responsible for the accident.

If you are found partially responsible for the crash, though, your compensation will be reduced by your percentage of fault. So, if you are found to be 20 percent responsible for an accident, and you are eligible for $100,000 in compensation, you’d lose 20 percent of your $100,000, which is $20,000.

To minimize the blame placed on you after a wreck, it’s a good idea to get help from a Dallas car accident attorney.

What Is the Time Limit to File a Car Accident Lawsuit in Texas?

The Texas statute of limitations on car accident claims is generally two years from the date of the crash. If you have not filed a lawsuit by that point, you may forfeit your chance of recovering compensation for your injuries. You should get started on your case as quickly as possible by talking to a car accident attorney at our law firm today.

How Our Dallas Car Accident Lawyers Can Help You

Working with a trusted Dallas car accident lawyer makes the claims process much easier on you and can improve your chance of recovering full compensation for your injury. When you choose The Wilhite Law Firm, we will handle the bulk of the legal work while you focus on getting the medical treatment you need. Here are some of the tasks we can assist you with:

  • Helping you understand your rights and options for pursuing compensation
  • Examining the evidence to identify who is liable for your injuries
  • Documenting the injuries and financial losses you’ve suffered from the crash
  • Handling settlement negotiations with the insurance company
  • Bringing your case to court if settlement negotiations fail

The car accident attorneys at The Wilhite Law Firm have the experience, knowledge, and dedication it takes to see cases through to a successful resolution. Contact our office today for a free initial consultation and learn more about how we can help you. We have some of the best personal injury lawyers in Dallas.