uber driver

Uber & Lyft Accident Attorney in Dallas

Rideshare services are extremely popular due to their convenience and affordability. Many users see Uber and Lyft as straightforward, inexpensive alternatives to taxis and traditional forms of public transportation.

Unfortunately, the convenience of rideshare services comes at a cost. Today, Uber and Lyft drivers are out on the streets in droves, and these are not professional drivers. To make matters worse, when these drivers are involved in a crash, a complex web of insurance policies can come into play. An Uber or Lyft accident attorney can help.

We have some of the Best Lyft and Uber Accident Lawyers in Dallas

If you were injured in a rideshare accident here in Dallas, you may be suffering from painful injuries, missed time at work, and other personal and financial losses. At The Wilhite Law Firm, we can help you hold negligent parties accountable and pursue the compensation you need and deserve. Contact our Lyft and Uber accident lawyer today to learn more in a free initial consultation. Our Dallas car accident attorney can help.

Who Is Responsible for an Uber or Lyft Accident in Dallas?

No two accidents are alike, and Uber or Lyft accidents are no exception. Determining who is responsible for the crash is important because Texas’ fault-based auto insurance system allows auto accident victims to file claims against at-fault parties.

Many factors may play a role in what options you have for pursuing compensation when you’re injured in a rideshare accident in Dallas. This includes whether the rideshare driver was at fault for the crash, in addition to whether the driver was signed into their rideshare app or transporting a passenger at the time. You should consult with a Lyft and Uber accident lawyer today.

Liability and the insurance coverage available in your Uber or Lyft accident may vary depending on the following circumstances:

  • If the driver is on duty and carrying a passenger – When on-duty drivers are carrying rideshare passengers, they must carry a minimum of $1 million in liability coverage, which is generally provided by Uber or Lyft, to cover accident victims’ injuries and property damage.
  • If the driver is on duty and on the way to pick up a passenger – When on-duty drivers are traveling to pick up a passenger, any accidents they cause will also generally be covered by the same $1 million liability insurance coverage provided by Uber or Lyft.
  • If the driver is on duty but waiting for a fare – Alternatively, when drivers are on duty but not actively transporting or traveling to pick up a passenger, the driver and the rideshare company are required to provide liability insurance covering up to $50,000 per person for bodily injuries, $100,000 per accident for bodily injuries, and up to $25,000 per accident for property damage.
  • If the driver is not on duty or logged into the app – When rideshare drivers are off-duty and not logged into an Uber or Lyft app, they are no longer covered by rideshare companies’ insurance policies, and their own personal auto insurance policy will apply. Off-duty rideshare drivers must carry Texas minimum insurance coverage amounts of $30,000 per person and $60,000 per accident for bodily injury, and $25,000 per accident for property damage.
  • If another driver hits your Uber or Lyft – If you are involved in a rideshare accident caused by a driver in a different vehicle, you will typically turn to that driver’s liability insurance policy for compensation. However, Uber and Lyft provide their drivers with uninsured/underinsured motorist policies that may go into effect if the at-fault driver does not have adequate insurance.

Demanding Compensation After a Rideshare Accident in Dallas

The amount of compensation you could receive after a Dallas rideshare accident may depend on the insurance coverage available for that wreck. But it will also depend on the extent of the losses you suffered in the accident and your injuries.

If you are entitled to money from a rideshare accident insurance claim or lawsuit, you may pursue compensation for the different types of accident-related losses, including:

  • Past and future medical expenses for your injuries such as emergency room bills, hospital stays, doctor’s appointments, diagnostic tests, surgeries, therapies, and prescription medications
  • Out-of-pocket costs for incidental expenses such as in-home assistance and transportation needed to attend medical appointments
  • Lost wages from missed time at work and lost future earning potential from accident-related disabilities that prevent you from returning to work
  • Pain, suffering, and losses in quality of life you endure due to the accident and your related injuries

How Long Do You Have to File an Uber/Lyft Accident Lawsuit in Texas?

If you have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit against a negligent party after a Dallas Uber or Lyft accident, you have just two years to file your lawsuit under Texas law. The clock on this two-year time limit usually begins counting down the day your accident occurs.

If you wait to file your lawsuit until after the two-year deadline has passed, the court will likely dismiss your case. If so, you will lose your ability to claim compensation for your losses, regardless of the strength of your case. It’s best to work with a knowledgeable Dallas Lyft and Uber accident attorney at The Wilhite Law Firm who can help you ensure your important paperwork gets filed on time. Get in touch with a Dallas personal injury lawyer today.

How a Dallas Uber and Lyft Accident Lawyer Can Help

If you believe you have grounds for an Uber or Lyft accident claim, an experienced lawyer can support your case by:

  • Helping you understand your legal rights and potential opportunities for claiming compensation
  • Estimating the possible value of your claim
  • Investigating the circumstances surrounding the accident to uncover useful evidence and determine who was at fault
  • Interviewing eyewitnesses for valuable statements regarding how the accident occurred
  • Working with expert witnesses such as medical professionals and accident reconstruction specialists who can provide insightful testimony about the causes and effects of the accident
  • Communicating with at-fault parties, insurance companies, and other attorneys on your behalf
  • Managing important documents, paperwork, and deadlines on your behalf
  • Negotiating aggressively on your behalf during settlement talks with the insurance company, with the goal of recovering maximum compensation for the injury, pain, and losses you have suffered
  • Taking your case to trial to demand the compensation you need and deserve if the insurance company refuses to agree to a reasonable settlement

Tips for Protecting Your Rights After a Rideshare Accident

If you are involved in a rideshare accident in Dallas, you can protect your legal rights and get a jump start on establishing your personal injury claim by:

  • Seeking prompt medical attention to determine the extent of your injuries, obtain the care you need, and create a formal record of your post-crash condition
  • Following through on your doctor’s treatment recommendations and attending all follow-up appointments to promote your recovery and demonstrate to other parties that you are taking your health seriously
  • Gathering evidence from the accident scene such as insurance and contact details from other motorists, photos of the crash scene, statements from eyewitnesses, and your own written recollections of how the accident occurred
  • Keeping track of all your accident-related bills, including medical bills, repair invoices, pay stubs, and proof of other expenses or financial losses related to the wreck
  • Refusing to provide written or recorded statements to Uber, Lyft, or the other driver’s personal auto insurance provider
  • Avoiding social media activity while your accident claim is pending
  • Contacting a trusted rideshare accident attorney for professional legal advice and fierce advocacy

Talk to a Dallas Lyft and Uber Accident Lawyer Today

After a Dallas rideshare accident, you may be suffering from painful injuries and other life-changing consequences. At The Wilhite Law Firm, we’re here to make sure you don’t have to face these challenges alone. Contact us today for a free initial case review to learn more about how we can support you during this difficult time.