scooter rider

Scooter Accident Attorney in Dallas

If you have been injured in a scooter accident in Dallas, you might be entitled to recover compensation for your losses, including medical costs, lost earnings, pain and suffering, property damage, and more. The experienced Dallas scooter accident attorneys at The Wilhite Law Firm can help you pursue the best possible outcome in your case.

One of the Best Scooter Accident Lawyers in Dallas

From the moment you begin working with us, you will know that you have found a legal team that cares about the people it represents. Throughout the legal process, you can count on us to provide one-on-one, personalized service. Your questions will always be answered promptly, and you will never be in the dark about your case. Your needs will be at the forefront of everything we do. Contact our Dallas scooter accident injury lawyers today for a free consultation to review your options with a knowledgeable Dallas scooter accident attorney.

Do I Have a Scooter Accident Case in Dallas?

If you have been injured in a scooter accident, you may wonder whether you can pursue a personal injury case for your losses. If another party was responsible for the crash, you may be able to seek compensation from them. Common types of scooter accident cases include:

  • Crashes with motor vehicles caused by negligent drivers
  • Crashes caused by defective scooters or defective scooter parts
  • Crashes caused by hazardous road conditions, such as large potholes
  • Accidents caused by pedestrians who attempt to jaywalk or step in the road when they don’t have the right-of-way

If you are unsure as to whether you may be entitled to file a personal injury claim, reach out to one of our scooter accident attorneys at The Wilhite Law Firm to discuss your case today.

How Much Is Your Dallas Scooter Accident Case Worth?

When you suffer injuries in a scooter accident, you may be able to seek different types of damages for the losses you are left with as a result. Through a personal injury claim, you may be able to pursue compensation for:

  • Present and future medical expenses related to the accident, including hospital bills, physical therapy, surgeries, procedures, treatments, scans, tests, prescription medications, and more
  • Lost wages, if you are unable to work as you recover from the accident
  • Lost earning potential, if a long-term or permanent injury prevents you from returning to work
  • Pain and suffering, including emotional trauma, mental distress, and loss of enjoyment of life
  • Punitive damages, if appropriate, which are a category of damages that may be awarded to “punish” a defendant for excessively reckless behavior

How Can a Lawyer Help After a Scooter Accident in Dallas?

At The Wilhite Law Firm, our attorneys have the knowledge and experience needed to navigate the claims process and craft a smart legal strategy in your Dallas scooter accident case. We will:

  • Investigate the accident – We will conduct a full, independent investigation into the accident while you focus on recovering from your injuries.
  • Gather evidence – Our attorneys will gather the most compelling evidence available and use that evidence to support your case. For instance, we may speak to witnesses who saw the accident and consult with accident reconstruction experts. We will also seek out any available surveillance footage from nearby cameras. We will compile all the evidence to help establish exactly what happened.
  • Calculate compensation – Our attorneys will document and calculate the scope of the losses you have suffered to ensure we seek the full compensation you deserve. We will identify every possible source of compensation. If more than one motorist was at fault for the accident, we will pursue compensation from all liable parties.
  • Fight for the best possible resolution – Insurance companies are for-profit entities, and their chief loyalty is to their bottom line. Insurance adjusters will use different tactics to try to reduce or deny your claim, including putting the blame on you. They may also try to offer you a quick settlement that seems generous, but in reality, it isn’t close to what you deserve. An attorney at The Wilhite Law Firm will know how to combat their tactics and fight for a fair settlement. Your attorney will also be ready to take your case to court if a fair settlement cannot be reached.

How Long Do You Have to File a Scooter Accident Lawsuit in Texas?

In Texas, you have only a certain amount of time to file a personal injury lawsuit if you have been injured in a scooter crash. This is referred to as the statute of limitations. You typically only have two years from the date of the scooter accident (the date you sustained your injuries) to initiate legal proceedings against the at-fault party.

If you fail to file a personal injury lawsuit against the party who caused the accident within that time frame, then you will likely forfeit the opportunity to pursue legal action against them in the future. You would not be able to recover compensation for your expenses and would likely need to cover these expenses out-of-pocket. Scooter accident injuries can be costly, so don’t wait to discuss your case with an attorney. Talk to one of our Dallas scooter accident lawyers today.

Steps to Take After a Scooter Accident in Dallas

Being in a scooter accident in Dallas can be traumatizing and disorienting, which is why it’s so important to familiarize yourself with what to do after an accident occurs. If you’ve been in a scooter accident, you should:

  • Call 911 – When you call law enforcement to the scene, an officer typically will make an accident report. The report will contain vital information about the wreck, including a description of the scene, descriptions of injuries and property damage, contact details for any witnesses who may have seen the accident, and possibly an initial determination of fault.
  • Seek medical attention – You should seek prompt medical attention, even if you don’t think you are seriously injured. Many insurance companies require you to be examined by a doctor within 72 hours of an accident. If you fail to seek medical attention promptly, you may not be able to pursue a personal injury claim against the at-fault party. In fact, the insurance company could try to argue that your injuries did not stem from the scooter accident at all.
  • Consult with a scooter accident attorney – You should consult with a scooter accident attorney as soon as possible after the crash. Your attorney will evaluate your case and discuss your legal options with you. While you recover from your injuries, your attorney will work on building your case.
  • Keep a journal – Keep a journal to document your injuries, pain levels, treatments, and overall recovery. Make notes about how your injuries affect your everyday life.
  • Refrain from posting on social media – Don’t post about the accident on social media. Anything you say publicly could end up coming back to haunt you, as the insurance company may attempt to use the information you post to minimize your claim or even blame you for the accident.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Scooter Accident Attorney?

At The Wilhite Law Firm, our attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. This means our attorneys will cover the upfront costs of your case and will not charge a fee unless we win compensation for you. In a contingency fee arrangement, attorneys take a fixed, agreed-upon percentage of the final compensation you receive. Our Dallas personal injury attorneys will help.

Understanding Dallas Scooter Laws

According to the City of Dallas, scooter riders are permitted to ride on streets (as long as the street’s speed limit does not exceed 35 mph) and on sidewalks (except within specified areas). Just like other motorized vehicles, scooter riders are not allowed to operate scooters on multi-use trails or in parks. When riding on the street, scooter riders are required to abide by all the same traffic laws that motorists do. They may also make use of bike lanes when they are available.

When parking, scooter riders must park their vehicles on a solid surface. They must ensure that the scooter isn’t blocking a bus, pedestrian pathways, loading areas, driveways, curb ramps, accessible parking zones, or roadways.


Talk to a Dallas Scooter Accident Lawyer Now

If you have been injured in a scooter accident in Dallas, you could be entitled to recover compensation. However, attempting to navigate the complex claims process on your own is rarely if ever advisable. This is especially true if you are trying to recover from serious injuries.

At The Wilhite Law Firm, our experienced scooter accident attorneys have the skills to thoroughly investigate your case, determine liability, and aggressively pursue the compensation you need to recover financially after the accident. If you have been injured while riding on a scooter in Dallas, contact one of our attorneys today to schedule a free consultation.