Fort Worth Rear-End Accident Lawyer

If you have been injured in a rear-end accident, you may be owed compensation for your injuries and related expenses. While many downplay rear-end accidents as being less serious than other collisions, they can still cause severe injuries, even at low speeds – injuries that can take days or even weeks to recover from.

You may be concerned about paying for medical treatment, car repairs, and other expenses, especially if you cannot work. But if someone else was at fault for the accident, you could hold them financially responsible for your losses.

Fort Worth Office 2601 Scott Ave Suite 204, Fort Worth, TX 76103, United States 817-904-3867

An experienced Fort Worth rear-end accident lawyer from The Wilhite Law Firm can assess your situation and help you understand if you have a personal injury case and how much compensation you may be owed. Contact us today online or by phone for a free consultation.

Why Do Rear-End Collisions Occur in Fort Worth?

Many different factors can contribute to rear-end collisions in Fort Worth. Some of the most common include the following:

  • Drowsy driving
  • Reckless driving
  • Road rage
  • Vehicle malfunction

The roads in the Dallas-Fort Worth area are busy and sometimes dangerous. Drivers must constantly be aware of their surroundings to prevent accidents.

What Are Common Injuries from Rear-End Collisions?

The injuries resulting from a rear-end collision vary depending on many different factors. Crashes on the freeway that happen at 60 miles per hour can result in catastrophic injuries. However, even a rear-end collision in stop-and-go traffic can result in debilitating whiplash and other injuries.

Some common injuries from rear-end collisions include the following:

In addition to physical injuries, traffic collisions can result in emotional trauma and mental health conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If you have nightmares, flashbacks, or a drastic change in mood or behavior, you should mention these symptoms to your doctor.

What Should I Do After a Rear-End Accident in Fort Worth?

Your priorities after a rear-end accident are moving your vehicle out of the way of traffic if possible, contacting emergency services, and seeking medical attention. If you can, you should also take photos and videos of the accident scene and collect witnesses’ contact information.

In the days and weeks following the accident, there are some important steps you can take to build a strong case for compensation, including the following:

  • Follow medical instructions – If your doctor prescribes certain medications, physical therapy, or other specialist visits, follow those directions as best as possible. Not only will this help you heal more quickly and fully, but it also creates a paper trail in your medical records. It will show the severity of your injuries and your future prognosis.
  • Maintain good records – Keep all your accident-related expenses organized. Hold onto everything from days missed at work, medical costs, mental health counseling, car repair costs, missed travel plans, and any other relevant losses. You should also keep a journal of your symptoms and how they impact your day-to-day life.
  • Avoid posting about the accident – Insurance companies may use social media to get additional information regarding your case. If you post about the accident online, they may use any differences between your official and public statements as evidence against you.
  • Contact a Fort Worth rear-end accident lawyer – The sooner you have legal representation on your side, the better. Our attorneys can help you through every stage of the legal process so you can focus on your own recovery while we focus on your financial recovery.

Who Is At Fault for a Rear-End Accident in Fort Worth?

Although it’s often assumed that the driver in the following vehicle is responsible for a rear-end collision, some situations could put the driver in front partially or fully at fault. Our attorneys can use accident reconstruction techniques and examine evidence to determine what happened at the time of the crash. For example, if the driver in front of you was driving unpredictably because they were intoxicated or distracted, they may be found to be at fault for the collision.

Can I Still Seek Compensation if I Am At Fault for a Rear-End Collision?

Under Texas law , you may still be able to seek compensation if you were partially at fault for the accident, as long as you were not found more than 50 percent responsible. The amount of compensation you are owed will be reduced by the degree to which you were at fault.

What Compensation Is Available After a Rear-End Accident?

We cannot say with any certainty how much compensation you may be owed, especially without a thorough review of your case. But in general, you may be able to collect compensation for:

  • Current and future medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earning potential

Contact a Fort Worth Rear-End Accident Lawyer Today

A rear-end car accident can come as a complete surprise. It’s not fair that you should have to suffer the consequences of someone else’s poor decisions. The driver who caused the accident should be held financially responsible for the pain you are facing. Our Fort Worth personal injury lawyers at The Wilhite Law Firm will assist you.

At The Wilhite Law Firm, we are committed to pursuing compensation for injured Texans in and around Fort Worth. People often complain about not being able to reach their lawyer to answer questions. We make communication with our clients a top priority, so you are in the loop every step of the way.

Contact us today online or by phone for a free consultation with a Fort Worth rear-end accident lawyer.